To start offering the LuggageHero services to your guests, please follow the steps below:
- Head to the Apps section in BookingSync:
- In the Apps, click Visit the App Center button.
- Where you can find LuggageHero app:
- Click on "Install the App" and click "Authorize" when the access page appears:
- You willl be redirected to this LuggageHero landing page explaining the steps to follow:
- A booking tag "LuggageHero" will automatically be created for all bookings where LuggageHero offers its services (this is automatically checked and done by the LuggageHero app thanks to the integration they built with BookingSync where they fetched the location details of the property):
- You can then create a special notification in which you can include the link provided by LuggageHero in the landing page shown above.
- Please note that you have to set in the filters the "LuggageHero available" booking tag so that the email is only sent for bookings where LuggageHero storage is available:
Here are some useful information to help you set up your notification to offer the LuggageHero service to your guests!
A. Link
You can copy into your notification template the link available in your account which will redirect your guests to book their luggage storage (please note that dates and location will be pre-filled on LuggageHero website so the guests don't have to):{{ }}&lng={{ rental.lng }}&utm_referrer=bookingsync&utm_campaign={{ }}&utm_promo_code=sync
We suggest sending the information with the 1st email you send to the guest and the smooth check-in/check-out notifications.
B. Text about LuggageHero service
Please find below a text and code we prepared for you to just have to copy/paste it to your notification:
<td class="padding-copy p">
<p> If you need a place to store your luggage before your check-in and after your check-out, you can use the services of our partner,<strong> LuggageHero</strong>.<br><br> They offer you the first two hours for free.
Click on the link below to book your luggage storage.</p> <br><br>
<center><a href="{{ }}&lng={{ rental.lng }}&utm_referrer=bookingsync&utm_campaign={{ }}&utm_promo_code=sync"><img src=""alt="Luggage Hero" width="240" /></a> <br><br>
This will look like this:
Please find below the full template of the original "Smooth check-in" notification including LuggageHero text:
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="padding-copy p">
Dear {{ guest.fullname }} {{ booking.account_id }} {{ account.business_name }},<br><br>
Your stay in {{ }} is approaching!
<td class="padding-copy p">
Here is some useful information to help you arrive safely:
<td class="items-border-top items-border-bottom">
{% include "item", label: "Rental name", value: %}
{% include "item", label: "Address", value: rental.address %}
{% include "item", label: "Zip Code", value: %}
{% include "item", label: "City", value: %}
{%- if rental.checkin_details -%}
<td class="padding-copy p">
<strong>Check-in details:</strong><br>
{{ rental.checkin_details }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if booking.expected_checkin_time -%}
<td class="items-border-bottom">
{% capture checkin_time %}{{ booking.start_at | date: format: "date" }} at {{ booking.expected_checkin_time | date: format: "time" }}{% endcapture %}
{% include "item", label: "Scheduled check-in time", value: checkin_time %}
{%- else -%}
<td class="padding-copy p">
{% if mail.custom_sender? -%}
Could you please reply to this email or text me at {{ }} to schedule your check-in hour on {{ booking.start_at | date: format: "date" }}?
{% else -%}
Could you please send me an e-mail: {{ }} or text me at {{ }} to schedule your check-in hour on {{ booking.start_at | date: format: "date" }}?
{% endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<td class="padding-copy p">
<p> If you need a place to store your luggage before your check-in and after your check-out, you can use the services of our partner,<strong> LuggageHero</strong>.<br><br> They offer you the first two hours for free.
Click on the link below to book your luggage storage.</p> <br><br>
<center><a href="{{ }}&lng={{ rental.lng }}&utm_referrer=bookingsync&utm_campaign={{ }}&utm_promo_code=sync"><img src=""alt="Luggage Hero" width="240" /></a> <br><br>
We look forward to welcoming you in {{ }}!<br><br>
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