Promotions are a great way to help your properties stand out to travelers searching across Expedia
Group sites. Over a third of travelers (35%) report that discounts are important to them when booking a trip*.
We’ve made it easy to offer promotions that will help attract more travelers and generate more bookings. Our tool lets you create and manage your property promotions directly from BookingSync.
* What Travelers Want in 2021, Expedia Group
Key benefits
Target high-value travelers: Advanced filters help you target exclusive traveler segments and
stay types, so you can get the right offer in front of the right audience. -
Save time and gain control: Create fully customized offers to speed
things up. -
Increase your visibility: Special merchandising on Expedia Group sites makes your promotions
stand out, so it’s easy for travelers to find and book your promoted properties
How it works
Special Offers on BookingSync are mapped with Single Discounts on Expedia Group platforms.
- Create special offers within the listing.
-Discover how to define rates in BookingSync, here. - Save. The promotion will be automatically created on Expedia
Important: Expedia limits the discount to a maximal value of 75%.
Special Offers will be displayed this way on Expedia Group sites :
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