Here are the steps for you to set up the sending of the PIN code required to access your property via the Nuki Keypad to your guests!
- Go to Apps and select the Notifications app
- Edit an existing notification or create a new one.
- It's important to use the following filters:
- Only For Selected Rentals (the ones you have a Nuki device connected with)
- Not Cancelled Bookings
- Confirmed Bookings
This is to make sure that notifications will only be sent for rentals which are equipped with a Nuki device and for bookings which are confirmed only and not canceled (even last minute) > this is important as it is about giving access to your property!
- Depending on your PIN code generation time settings, set the notification delivery time. The early condition window should be before the generation time by at least 1 hour. For example, if the generation time was set to 48 hours on Nuki, the early delivery window should be a maximum of 47 hours before arrival on your Notification. The late condition can be set to anything less than the early condition, for example 1 hour before arrival.
- For the message, you can copy and paste the following HTML into your notification: Edit Notification > Compose a message. The variable that is responsible for your Nuki PIN code is: {{ booking.door_key_code }}
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="padding-copy p">
Dear {{ guest.fullname }},<br><br>
Your stay in {{ }} is approaching!
<td class="padding-copy p">
Here is your private door key code to access {{ }} rental:
<td class="items-border-top items-border-bottom">
{{ booking.door_key_code }}
<td class="padding-copy p">
Please note that for security reasons, this key code is valid from:
{{ booking.start_at | date: format: "date" }} at {{booking.start_at | date: format: "time" }}
to {{ booking.end_at | date: format: "date" }} at {{booking.end_at | date: format: "time" }}.
<td class="padding-copy p">
We look forward to welcoming you to the {{ }}!
- The output message will be:
Dear Guest Name,
Your stay in Rental Name is approaching!
Here is your private door key code to access rental name:
Please note that for security reasons, this key code is valid from July 22, 2018, at 12:00 to August 01, 2018 at 12:00
We look forward to welcoming you to the rental city!
How is the PIN code generated
The PIN is generated by default 3 days before the check-in time if the reservation was made more than 3 days before the check-in date/time. As described previously, you have the possibility to change this setting on Nuki.
The PIN is generated within one hour of reservation creation if the reservation was made within 3 days of the check-in date/time.
Once the PIN has been created, there will not be any new PIN created if the reservation is changed.
Entry codes are valid till departure day at checkout (end-)time.
Please note that if the expected check-in/out time is modified on the booking in BookingSync, Nuki will take these changes into consideration for the generation and validity of the code. The code will therefore allow the guest to open the door from the check-in time saved on the booking on BookingSync.
If it happens that your guest arrive to your property before the scheduled check-in time, for security reasons, he won't be able to open the door as the code won't be accepted by the smart lock. Therefore, in order to immediately activate the code, you should:
1. modify the check-in time in the booking on BookingSync
2. modify the check-in time in the booking on Nuki so that the code becomes immediately valid (indeed the modifcation on BookingSync can take some minutes to be taken into consideration by Nuki). However, it is important to apply the modification on the booking on BookingSync too for the sync between both systems to not overwrite the modification made on Nuki and therefore impact the validity of the code.
Also please note that if you create a manual booking for extending a booking that initially came from a channel, a new code will be generated as it will be considered as a new booking (example: you have a 4 days booking from Airbnb, the guest wants to stay 1 more night, you add this 1 additional night manually on BookingSync > a new code will be generated and sent to your guest via the notification).
If you want to create a new code for any reason, you can do it manually from the Nuki Web or the Nuki App. Manually created access codes are not automatically sent via Bookingsync. They must be sent manually.
To create manually an access permission for the Keypad, please click on "Devices", mark the property booked by the guest and click on "ENTRY CODES" and "Add" on the bottom right.
Enter the name of your guest and the entry code (there will be a code suggested by Nuki but you can choose another one if you want, like the last 6 digits of your guest's phone number so that he will remember it!) and activate the “Limit access time” to choose the limit time your code will be active for.
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